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Hyperledger Fabric

A blockchain is an immutable transaction ledger, maintained within a distributed network of peer nodes. Each node maintains a copy of the ledger and applies transactions that have been validated by a consensus protocol. Each block of transactions is then grouped into blocks that include a hash that binds each block to the previous block.

Bitcoin and Ethereum classify as public permissionless blockchain technology. Basically, these are public networks, open to anyone, where participants interact anonymously.

Hyperledger Fabric is an open-source, permissioned blockchain. It has a modular architecture that delivers high degrees of confidentiality, flexibility, resiliency, and scalability. It's designed to support pluggable implementations of different components.

In a permissioned network, participants are identified and known to each other, unlike with a public permissionless network where the participants remain anonymous.

Why Hyperledger Fabric?

For enterprise use, we need to consider the following requirements:

  • Participants must be identified/identifiable
  • Networks need to be permissioned
  • High transaction throughput performance
  • Low latency of transaction confirmation
  • Privacy and confidentiality of transactions and data pertaining to business transactions

One of the most important of the platform’s differentiators is its support for pluggable consensus protocols that enable the platform to be more effectively customized to fit particular use cases and trust models.

Fabric can use consensus protocols that do not require a native cryptocurrency to motivate expensive mining or smart contract execution.

Hyperledger Fabric has been specifically architected to have a modular architecture. Whether it is consensus, identity management protocols, key management protocols or cryptographic libraries, the platform has been designed at its core to be configured to meet the diversity of enterprise use case requirements


Docker-based deployment environments


Each node and user that interacts with a Fabric network needs to belong to an organization in order to participate in the network.

Peers are the fundamental components of any Fabric network. Peers store the blockchain ledger and validate transactions before they are committed to the ledger. Peers run the smart contracts that contain the business logic that is used to manage the assets on the blockchain ledger.

Every peer in the network needs to belong to an organization.

Every Fabric network also includes an ordering service. While peers validate transactions and add blocks of transactions to the blockchain ledger, they do not decide on the order of transactions or include them into new blocks. On a distributed network, peers may be running far away from each other and not have a common view of when a transaction was created. Coming to consensus on the order of transactions is a costly process that would create overhead for the peers.

An ordering service allows peers to focus on validating transactions and committing them to the ledger. After ordering nodes receive endorsed transactions from clients, they come to consensus on the order of transactions and then add them to blocks. The blocks are then distributed to peer nodes, which add the blocks to the blockchain ledger.


The process of keeping the ledger transactions synchronized across the network — to ensure that ledgers update only when transactions are approved by the appropriate participants, and that when ledgers do update, they update with the same transactions in the same order — is called consensus.

Transactions must be written to the ledger in the order in which they occur, even though they might be between different sets of participants within the network

Hyperledger Fabric offers Raft crash fault tolerant (CFT), a BFT consensus and as of Version 3 SmartBFT consensus. You can also write your own consensus algorithm. Consider using the BFT or SmartBFT if true decentralization is required.

Shared Ledger

Hyperledger Fabric has a ledger subsystem comprising two components: the world state and the transaction log. Each participant has a copy of the ledger to every Hyperledger Fabric network they belong to.

The world state component describes the state of the ledger at a given point in time. It’s the database of the ledger. The transaction log component records all transactions which have resulted in the current value of the world state; it’s the update history for the world state. The ledger, then, is a combination of the world state database and the transaction log history.

The ledger has a replaceable data store for the world state. By default, this is a LevelDB key-value store database. The transaction log does not need to be pluggable. It simply records the before and after values of the ledger database being used by the blockchain network.


Hyperledger Fabric smart contracts are written in chaincode and are invoked by an application external to the blockchain when that application needs to interact with the ledger

chaincode (Smart contracts) run within a container environment (e.g. Docker) for isolation. They can be written in standard programming languages.

In Fabric, an application-specific endorsement policy specifies which peer nodes, or how many of them, need to vouch for the correct execution of a given smart contract. Thus, each transaction need only be executed (endorsed) by the subset of the peer nodes necessary to satisfy the transaction’s endorsement policy. This allows for parallel execution increasing overall performance and scale of the system.

Privacy and Confidentiality

Hyperledger Fabric, enables confidentiality through its channel architecture and private data feature. In channels, participants on a Fabric network establish a sub-network where every member has visibility to a particular set of transactions. Thus, only those nodes that participate in a channel have access to the chaincode and data transacted, preserving the privacy and confidentiality of both. Private data allows collections between members on a channel, allowing much of the same protection as channels without the maintenance overhead of creating and maintaining a separate channel.

Permissions and Access Control

The different actors in a blockchain network include peers, orderers, client applications, administrators and more. Each of these actors has a digital identity encapsulated in an X.509 digital certificate. These identities matter because they determine the exact permissions over resources and access to information that actors have in a blockchain network.
For an identity to be verifiable, it must come from a trusted authority. A membership service provider (MSP) is that trusted authority in Fabric.

Certificate Authorities issue identities by generating a public and private key which forms a key-pair that can be used to prove identity. This identity needs a way to be recognized by the network, which is where the MSP comes in. For example, a peer uses its private key to digitally sign, or endorse, a transaction. The MSP is used to check that the peer is allowed to endorse the transaction. The public key from the peer’s certificate is then used to verify that the signature attached to the transaction is valid. Thus, the MSP is the mechanism that allows that identity to be trusted and recognized by the rest of the network.

But the power of an MSP goes beyond simply listing who is a network participant or member of a channel. It is the MSP that turns an identity into a role by identifying specific privileges an actor has on a node or channel. Note that when a user is registered with a Fabric CA, a role of admin, peer, client, orderer, or member must be associated with the user. For example, identities registered with the peer role should, naturally, be given to a peer. Similarly, identities registered with the admin role should be given to organization admins.

A Certificate Revocation List (CRL) is easy to understand — it’s just a list of references to certificates that a CA knows to be revoked for one reason or another.
When a third party wants to verify another party’s identity, it first checks the issuing CA’s CRL to make sure that the certificate has not been revoked

MSP has two domainsL Local and Channel.
Local MSP Defines permissions for nodes and clients.
Channel MSP Defines permissions for channels.

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