is a command line interface for interacting with the NEAR
blockchain. It is a node.js application.
- Create accounts
- access keys management
- sign & send transactions
- ...
All the near
commands will be sent to the testnet chain (, unless you specify the NEAR_ENV
variable or provide the --nodeUrl
For example: export NEAR_ENV=testnet
. Or --nodeUrl ""
By default Near
will use testnet
accounts, unless you provide the --accountId
Table of content
sudo npm install -g near-cli
# Get the current version of `NEAR`
near --version
Let dig this transaction
near tx-status mlibre.testnet:v3eawe5UJmMBvNQe2rgoKEuS92HfXMtM5BLLRcBix39
The output is:
status: { SuccessValue: '' },
transaction: {
actions: [
{ Transfer: { deposit: '100000000000000000000000000' } },
AddKey: {
access_key: { nonce: 0, permission: 'FullAccess' },
public_key: 'ed25519:8C69kVzUfrVL9Lv4jeQkM7th2zhpstGxn8yFmKRk1QmS'
hash: 'v3eawe5UJmMBvNQe2rgoKEuS92HfXMtM5BLLRcBix39',
nonce: 129288971000001,
public_key: 'ed25519:6rCWntAc1qVDrnA95MwphWduqnzULbcR3CiBGQhzS9s7',
receiver_id: 'salamslamslamsalmslsamlasmlsmsalamslam',
signature: 'ed25519:4bLvSkYMn2uEQQLGfrkvY3V5YL4HfBv8fUpP94wR14TMxkAF5j2q7dBTYm9GzX973rX2nCP1sXgHRVW6Psz4YQCh',
signer_id: 'mlibre.testnet'
transaction_outcome: {
block_hash: 'oXRtxuibGRNXAVVcGwYRjcmXcvhGEKzgkQiiEPiQTby',
id: 'v3eawe5UJmMBvNQe2rgoKEuS92HfXMtM5BLLRcBix39',
outcome: {
executor_id: 'mlibre.testnet',
gas_burnt: 4174947687500,
logs: [],
metadata: { gas_profile: null, version: 1 },
receipt_ids: [ 'HwQXncGsoE9PHcFgUUvYbM1ZVnpkgdj7gG9kH8A8HBLS' ],
status: {
SuccessReceiptId: 'HwQXncGsoE9PHcFgUUvYbM1ZVnpkgdj7gG9kH8A8HBLS'
tokens_burnt: '417494768750000000000'
proof: [
direction: 'Right',
hash: 'B7J2nAGp5ies9kYmQ63RcJwybJevqZsEsNPzKyZ4NfVE'
direction: 'Right',
hash: 'Ee4sGA83vAzTQhkx3vybEA883gR2iNMnkRY4J6hv3nho'
direction: 'Right',
hash: 'HVYx7kbGPoHsvKvpHMMTT6QYYyBZKE6T8xAtrFr2NFxY'
receipts_outcome: [
block_hash: '96w8NkjiWmYU6iHuEvcrDfWEHiqmNiiWCAhWAYNMhz4M',
id: 'HwQXncGsoE9PHcFgUUvYbM1ZVnpkgdj7gG9kH8A8HBLS',
outcome: {
executor_id: 'salamslamslamsalmslsamlasmlsmsalamslam', // executor_id is Receiver ID
// Predecessor ID is not mentioned in the output. it is the signer_id in transaction object
gas_burnt: 4174947687500,
logs: [],
metadata: { gas_profile: [], version: 3 },
receipt_ids: [ 'EXNe4EKTFSm75TrGnvtUhMTqxsoUPDPYw7jEoDi3LweL' ], // the receipts created by this receipt
// in this example it is the refund receipt which is always is there and is the last receipt
status: { SuccessValue: '' },
tokens_burnt: '417494768750000000000'
proof: [
direction: 'Right',
hash: 'Dsnj6at4baCf2ztbHmaecMY6xH41YXjAVf1dFAioV185'
direction: 'Left',
hash: '8vYcbcJWApM8MvAoBVrjrp3KGhYBiZMccmUNuBnT9G9'
direction: 'Right',
hash: '4U5cjwU49zwi5owZRUyyCdCnosGZh86Je5GWfpQUNQa4'
// it is the refund receipt which is always is there and is the last receipt
block_hash: 'BXkhJFVsWcDgaFznMTwk674WvzokS62pfPL879EbrmAN',
id: 'EXNe4EKTFSm75TrGnvtUhMTqxsoUPDPYw7jEoDi3LweL',
outcome: {
executor_id: 'mlibre.testnet', // // executor_id is Receiver ID
// Predecessor ID for the refund receipt is system itself
gas_burnt: 223182562500,
// This contains the gas "burnt" for refund receipts. Even though we don't actually
// charge any gas for refund receipts, we still count the gas use towards the block gas
logs: [],
metadata: { gas_profile: [], version: 3 },
receipt_ids: [],
status: { SuccessValue: '' },
tokens_burnt: '0'
proof: [
direction: 'Right',
hash: '97J5UUmsVCKeThLf2RxQ4ZkjySdNvVzaUsRrh1YJQZEn'
direction: 'Left',
hash: '5HqirRFCGCpNF3A8bE9v9xLX8ZzaByPsiGPdoWraEZPU'
direction: 'Right',
hash: 'HU97NYSfmXZftzDakJmcYc9xy4ZS2m8LWpmPSuG9asZ9'
near state mlibre.testnet # Account State
near view-state mlibre.testnet --finality final --utf8 true # Contract State
When you use the command near login
in the NEAR
blockchain, you are essentially creating a new access key for your NEAR account. When you use the near login
command, it asks the full-access key
in the NEAR Wallet
to use the AddKey Action
to create
another full-access key locally
on your computer. NEAR CLI
uses that new key to deploy, make function calls, etc
# export NEAR_ENV=<network> (use guildnet / testnet / mainnet)
near login # Download, Import and Store your testnet account's access keys locally
NEAR_ENV=mainnet near login # Import mainnet accounts
ls -R ~/.near-credentials # Keys Folder
near keys mlibre.testnet # Show all the keys for a given account
near state mlibre.near --nodeUrl # Account information on mainnet
near state mlibre.testnet # Account information on testnet
Named Account
near create-account salamslamslamsalmslsamlasmlsmsalamslam --masterAccount mlibre.testnet
Smart Contracts
near deploy # Deploys a smart contract with default options and a testnet account on the testnet chain, unless `--accountId`, `NEAR_ENV` or `--nodeUrl` is provided
near deploy --nodeUrl "" --seedPhrase "radar hammer reopen black suspect olympic mountain imitate slogan lend science advice" --accountId mlibre.testnet --wasmFile ./out/main.wasm
In NEAR accounts are string, like mlibre.near
. Each account can have multiple keys-pair.
If you use near login
, near will will save your key-pair from the wallet locally. you can find them here:
cat .near-credentials/mainnet/mlibre.near.json
You can query an account's keys by running:
near keys mlibre.near --nodeUrl
You can create wallet in mainnet and testnet here: