Command | Description |
cat file.txt | Concatenate and display |
cat -n file.txt | Display with line numbers |
zcat file.gz | Display compressed content |
ccat file.txt | Colorize and concatenate |
bat file.txt | Cat clone with syntax |
tail file.txt | Display last N line (10 by default) |
tail -f file.txt | Continuously display new lines |
head file.txt | Display first N lines (10 by default) |
head -n 5 file.txt | Display first 5 lines |
head -5 file.txt | Display first 5 lines |
less file.txt | View file with pagination |
more file.txt | View file page by page |
allows you to read from standard input and write to both standard output and files simultaneously.
Command | Description |
tee file.txt | Read from stdin and write to file.txt, creating or overwriting it |
ls | tee list.txt | Redirect the ls output to both terminal and list.txt |
tee -a file.txt | Append to file.txt instead of overwriting it |
ps aux | grep "node" | tee processes.txt | list and save running processes containing node |
Command | Description |
split file.txt | Split file into parts, by default 1000 lines per file |
split -l 100 | Split into 100-line files |
split -b 1M | Split into 1MB files |
split -n 3 file.txt | Split into 3 equal parts |
split -d | Use numeric suffixes |
split test.txt -d hi | Use numeric suffixes and custom prefix "hi" |
split -a 3 | Use 3-character suffix |
cat hi* > concatenated_file.txt | Concatenate files starting with "hi" |
Command | Description |
cut -f 1,3 file.txt | Print the first and third fields from each line of file.txt |
cut -d' ' -f 2-4 file.txt | Print fields 2 to 4 from each line of "file.txt" using space as the delimiter |
cut -c 1-5 file.txt | Select and print characters 1 to 5 from each line of "file.txt" |
Tab is the defualt delimiter
Command | Short Description |
paste | Merge lines of files horizontally |
paste file1 file2 | Merges lines from 'file1' and 'file2' |
paste -s file1 file2 | Merges lines from 'file1' and 'file2' sequentially |
paste -d, file1 file2 | Merges lines with a comma delimiter |
wc -l file.txt | Count lines in a file |
wc -w file.txt | Count words in a file |
Command | Description |
sort file.txt | Sort lines in a text file |
sort -r file.txt | Sort lines in reverse order |
sort -n file.txt | Sort lines numerically |
nl file.txt | Number lines in a file |
nl -b a file.txt | Number lines, showing all lines |
nl -s "," file.txt | Number lines, custom separator |
shuf file.txt | Shuffle lines in a file |
shuf -n 5 file.txt | Shuffle and display only 5 lines |
uniq file.txt | Display unique lines in a file |
uniq -c file.txt | Count and display unique lines with count |
cat file.txt | tr -s ' ' ',' | Translate spaces to commas in a text stream |
only removes duplicate consecutive lines from the input. To remove all duplicate lines, you can pipe the output to sort
and then to uniq
again. like sort file.txt | uniq
Certainly, here's a table of the commands you requested in markdown format, with centered text alignment as per your preference:
Command | Description |
diff file1 file2 | Compares two files and shows differences |
sha256sum file.txt | Calculates and prints the SHA-256 hash of the file file.txt |
cp -r | Copies directories and their contents recursively |
cp -v | Copies files or directories with verbose output |
mv -i | Moves (renames) files or directories with prompt |
rm -r | Removes directories and their contents recursively |
mkdir | Creates a new directory |
rmdir | Removes an empty directory |
Command | Description |
grep 'error' log.txt | Search for 'error' messages in a log file |
grep -r 'function()' /project | Recursively find files contain 'function()' in the '/project' directory |
grep -i 'todo' *.js | Search case-insensitively for 'todo' in JavaScript files |
grep -E '^\d{3}-\d{2}-\d{4}$' data.txt | Use extended regex to find social security numbers in 'data.txt' |
grep -l 'pattern' *.txt | List files containing 'pattern' in the current directory |
grep -v 'warning' log.txt | Invert the match to display lines without 'warning' in the log file |
Command | Description |
find | Search for files and directories |
find path -name pattern | Files with a specific name in the 'path' directory |
find /home/user -name "*.txt" | All files with the '.txt' extension in '/home/user' |
find /etc -type d -name "conf" | Locate directories named 'conf' under '/etc' |
find /var/log -type f -mtime +7 | Find files in '/var/log' modified more than 7 days ago |
find /usr/bin -executable -type f | Find executable files in '/usr/bin' |
find /home -user masoud | Files owned by the user 'masoud' under '/home' |
find /mnt -size +100M | Find files larger than 100MB in '/mnt' |
find /var/log -iname "*.log" -exec ls -l {} \; | Files in '/var/log' with a case-insensitive name match |
find /backup -type f -exec cp {} /backup_archive/ \; | Copy found files to '/backup_archive/' directory |
find ./ -type f -exec ls {} \; -exec echo "file: {}" \; | Having two commands |
find / -name 'pycache' -exec rm -r {} + | Remove all pycache, pass items as a list to rm |
Command | Description |
gzip | Compress files using gzip |
gzip file.txt | Compress the file.txt using gzip |
gzip -d file.gz | Decompress file.gz using gzip |
gunzip file.gz | Decompress file.gz using gunzip |
xz | Compress files using xz |
xz file.txt | Compress the file.txt using xz |
xz -d file.xz | Decompress file.xz using xz |
unxz file.xz | Decompress file.xz using unxz |
tar | Create and extract tar archives |
tar -cvf archive.tar files/ | Create a tar archive from the 'files/' directory |
tar -xvf archive.tar | Extract files from 'archive.tar' |
tar -xvf archive.tar -C / | Change to / directory and then extract |
By default tar
reads input from stdin.
Certainly, here's a Markdown table with centered text alignment that lists the Linux commands you mentioned, along with their short descriptions and real-world examples:
Command | Description |
> | Redirects standard output to a file |
ls > list.txt | Redirects ls command output to list.txt |
>> | Appends standard output to a file |
echo "Hello" >> greeting.txt | Appends "Hello" to greeting.txt |
2> | Redirects standard error to a file |
ls non_existent_dir 2> error.log | Logs error from ls to error.log |
2>> | Appends standard error to a file |
find /non_existent_dir 2>> errors.log | Appends errors to errors.log |
&> | Redirects both standard output and error to a file |
curl example.com &> website.log | Logs both output and errors from curl to website.log |
&>> | Appends both standard output and error to a file |
git pull &>> git.log | Appends both git output and errors to git.log |
<> | Redirects both input and output from/to a file |
cat <> combined.txt | Reads and writes to combined.txt |
command > output.txt 2> error.txt | Redirects output to output.txt and error to error.txt |
command 2>&1 > output_and_error.txt | Redirects both output and error to output_and_error.txt |
Command | Description |
| | Redirect output from one command to another |
command1 | command2 | Execute command1 and pass its output to command2 |
ls | grep .txt | List and filter files with a .txt extension |
ps aux | grep nginx | List and filter processes related to nginx |
cat file.txt | less | Display file contents using the less pager |
dmesg | tail -n 10 | Display the last 10 kernel log messages |
ls | sort -r | List files in reverse alphabetical order |
find /home | wc -l | Count files and directories in /home |
du -h | sort -rh | List disk usage, human-readable, and sorted |
ls | tee file.txt | List files and save output to file.txt |
ls | head -n 5 | List the first 5 files in the current directory |
is a Linux command-line tool that takes input from standard input and passes it as arguments to another command. It separates input items by spaces, tabs or newlines by default, but you can specify a different delimiter with the -d
option. The output is the result of executing the specified command with the input items as arguments.
By default, xargs
will process as many input items as possible in a single execution of the command.
-n 1
: This option in xargs specifies that only one input item should be used for each execution of the command. It ensures that the command is run once for each input item-I {}
: The -I option allows you to specify a placeholder (in this case, {}) to represent where the input item should be placed within the command. It also process one input item at a time
Command | Description |
xargs | Build and execute command lines from standard input |
find /path -type f -print | xargs command | Execute command on each file found by the find command |
echo arg1 arg2 | xargs command | Execute command with arguments arg1 and arg2 |
ls *.txt | xargs rm | Remove all .txt files in the current directory |
cat list.txt | xargs -n 1 echo | Print each line of list.txt using echo (one by one) |
ls | xargs -I {} mv {} {}.bak | Add ".bak" extension to all files in this directory (one by one) |
find /path -type f -name "*.log" -print0 | xargs -0 rm | Remove ".log" files in "/path" with handling special characters |
grep pattern f1 f2 | xargs sed -i 's/pattern/replacement/g' | Search, replace "pattern" with "replacement" in multiple files |
echo file1 file2 file3 | xargs -I % sh -c 'cp % /backup' | Copy multiple files to a backup directory |
find /path -type f -print | xargs -P 4 -I % gzip % | Parallel compression of files in "/path" using 4 processes |
ls *.txt | xargs -n 1 -I {} mv {} /destination/ | Move each ".txt" file to "/destination/" directory |
echo file1 file2 | xargs -d ' ' -I % sh -c 'touch %.txt' | Create ".txt" files with specified names |